
Sleep Baby, Sleep

The past few days the kids and I mean both of them if you’d believe slept from 8 all the way till the morning, but last night they decided to spring one on me and stayed up until 12 am last night! I had gotten so used to having free nights! After a whole week of staying up by choice, on the one night that I need to sleep early, I had no choice but to sleep late. Sheeeesssssss.

Kalau berjaga tapi tak gaduh takpe, ni tak boleh ditinggalkan. Masuk blik at 8pm, then tak nak tidur jugak so I got out and cooked dinner sekejap (the most delicious sup tulang berempah ewah dicicah dengan cili kicap yummyyyy), sempat lagi makan malam, kemas dapur bagai, pun Aisha tak mahu tidur. Masuk balik bilik, golek golek, tonggeng tonggeng (she got on all fours, rocked her body a few times, kemudian tersembam ke depan. Lepas tu buat balik).

Susu tak nak, masukkan EBM dalam botol susu pun tak nak. Now I understand why some mothers decide to formula feed their child. I seriously thought I had run out of milk, and in my hands was a baby, crying with all her might. So I passed the baton, or rather the baby, to Zuf (since he was staying up to watch the Arsenal game anyway) and put Emma to bed pulak. A few minutes later, I was already asleep and voila! So was Aisha. Congrats to Zuf!

Kesannya? Hari ni bangun pagi pukul 8.


R-B-I said...

dan kesan keduanya adalah kau menulis post ini. chewah....
heheheheh aku slalu bawak yusuf tido tapi dia tak mau, akhirnya kalau amad ada amad masuk buai n tidokan dia. penat la wei skang, mesti tertido sama, x mcm muda2 dulu yam tido aku leh stay tgk tv citer feveret aku...sigh...

Inty Winty said...

Cheh cam muda muda.. kau pun tua mendenya.. Baru nak masuk 30 tahun. Muahaha