
Stretch marks!

Last night, while I was lying down on the couch watching TV with my T-shirt over my belly for better ventilation, Zufri saw stretch-marks! I got away with a relatively clean belly, no cellulite nor stretch-marks whatsoever while I was pregnant with Emma!

Argh pressurenya! But yeah, I really took pregnancy easy this time. No susu ibu mengandung and no Palmer's cocoa butter cream. Semalam baru terhegeh-hegeh nak sapu lotion, padahal tau-tau mengandung je aku dah beli lotion tu.

The stretch marks will disappear, right?


ummi mien said...

yg penting jgn garu bila rasa gatal. sbb bila garu, nanti kulit jadi itam. sgt tak cantek.

Peachy said...

No it won't. Good luck.

Unknown said...

Haha cam bagus. After deliver takkan tak hilang kot?!

Peachy said...

Of course tak hilang. The stretch marks are permanent.

Leonora Halim said...

ahahha... nope! :) bak kata alif.. takpe... bukan u nak pakai bikini pun.. hmmm...