
Kelantan is calling.

A new staff sits opposite my desk at work. She has half working years (than me) and is getting paid 10% more (than me).

Life is unfair. Or at least this stupid company is.

Can't wait to drive up to Kelantan this weekend. Only girls as Zufri and Basit can't make it.

Imagine me, Shikin and Anies, plus Emma lah of course, enjoying ourselves by the beach, meredah Kelantan, dan MC on Monday. Yup. All well planned out.


Baby Shaq said...

Weh, that's why gaji is supposed to be P&C. Pastu, siut je plan MC huhuh

ashikin said...

noooooo... you even have a post for this? ok, now i'm super guilty... :(

rawsktar said...

life is unfair. aku sedang merasakan keadaan yg sama, sejak dua tahun lepas. so aku immune. hahaha.

Inty Winty said...

tu ah. dia yg bagitau gaji dia berapa sedangkan gua tak tanya pun.

guilty, bukan? hahaha.

oi 2 tahun lepas? oh bersabarnya kau.

rawsktar said...

mana jalan meredah pantai?

Maneesa said...
