I was wearing my new baju kurung, made by Madukara hehe. Very nice. But I didn't take any picture.
Anyway, motif aku bercerita ni ialah nak mengatakan yang abang pengantin ni sangat suka kat Emma. Aku ngan Zufri memang sangat relax semalam pasal Firdaus ni lah yang jaga Emma sepanjang hari. Sampai aku nak menyusukan Emma pun takde time. Hehe. Asal aku amek Emma balik je, dia hulurkan tangan balik nak amek Emma balik. Dia ikut Emma merangkak satu surau. Emma pun ada orang layan dia, seronoklah.
Lalu bila rombongan pihak lelaki melangkah ke rumah pengantin, here's Emma.
Then on Sunday, Emma and I just chilled at home while Zufri played some golf. Yes, that's right. He's into golf now. Even tunes in to the Golf Channel in lieu of the usual Discovery. Sigh. Well at least he's getting some exercise, and we all know just how much he needs one. Or at least one thousand. Hehe.
The point is, usually when Zufri's hitting 'em balls, it's a girls day out. Seronok berjalan berdua dengan Emma ni, pasal dia tak cakap banyak dan bila dia penat dia tidur. Hehe. The furthest we've been to together was Puduraya to pick Papa up. Macam ni cerita dia. Come gather around. A few Sundays back, after sending Zufri to the diriving range at Bandar Utama, we went to OU. Stayed there until around 5, then we drove up to Puduraya. Aku memang kalut, padahal bas Papa sampai pukul 7. So with an hour to kill, I decided to take Emma to the National Monumet a.k.a Tugu Negara.
I've never been there before, so I didn't know it closes at 6:00. Sangat mengecewakan. I know Zufri would never believe me when I tell him that I took Emma there, so I took some pictures. But I couldn't take a picture of Emma with the monument because who would hold her, right? And I'm not the type of person who walks up to a stranger and asks that person to take a picture of me. Buatnya dia lari dengan kamera aku macam mana? (Note to self : Should have more faith in others)
And that's Emma's sparsely (kan?) haired head
From left to right is Kak Yen (who wants to be called Tante Yen. I suggested Mak Yen, hehe), Emma carried by Abang Sany (The Sun to us, who would like to be called Om Marlon), Zufri (Mamu, kuikuikui. Kak Yen even calls him Mams for short), the 27 year old (Adam calls me Gigi. I don't mind at all), Rizzqin carried by Papa (the usual Atuk and sometimes Pops, Poppy Doo. He's 61 this year. Aku sayang bapak aku. Although I don't think I ever told him that. Except in birthday cards. Malu lah. Wakakaka), Adam (hensem kan? hehe) and Kak Peachy (Aunty Peachy. Yeah. She's straight like that. Wakakaka). Tiada dalam gambar is Pipi (Aunty Pipi. Also Pipi Doo), Abang Emil (kui kui kui only to his face. Behind him it's Emilzers. Or Ims. Adam calls him Uncle Memel) and finally Aunty Rani, Papa's wife. Hahaha macam kejam je kan. My step-mom. Will post a picture of her as soon as I have one.