
Emma = Complete

Aunties and uncles, jangan lupa duit raya Emma, ya!

Gigi atas Emma jarang lah. People say don't worry, it ain't permanent. But teeth is important to me. Papa said its better that her teeth grows slowly, so that they spoil later. Huhuhu.

I am starting to worry about Emma's inability to walk. Hopefully its actually nothing. I was a late walker myself.

ps: Emma means complete in Hebrew. Wakaka.


ddfirdaus said...

Dun worry la little emma or mummy emma..she is just 13 mths..
we c ya tomorrow..papa dhani sudah setuju..Hehe..lulus bersyarat sebenarnya..

OneRoseHoney said...

Kalau bagi duit rayer maser Mummy Emma buat open house boleh tak...hik hik hik...

Normal la 13months tak leh jalan...dun worry

see ya tomorrow

peachy said...

pakai je braces