
1st August 2009

Alhamdulillah, Emma is already one. What a year, ey? Can hardly believe our little darling is no longer be a baby. Hehe.

And no, Emma masih belum boleh berjalan. Hehe aiyoh my little girl still wants to crawl. She sure is taking her own sweet time, huh? Papa kata Emma pengecut. Cheh sungguhla bapakku itu. Takpelah, sayang. You just wait until you are ready, ok?

Emma ni kalau aku jalan berpimpin dengan dia, mesti dua – tiga tapak saja. Lepas tu dia akan pusing belakang aku, berpaut kat peha aku, letak kepala kat celah-celah lutut aku dan berjalan bila aku jalan. Hahahaha. Tak tahu apa motif dia. Sikit lagi, she’ll kiss my ass. Hahaha.

We had a little celebration for Emma’s birthday last Saturday. Alhamdulillah, everything went amazingly well! All the guests turned up except for Lenny who had a last minute wedding to attend.

Thank you everyone who attended, and even more thanks for having fun and the presents for Emma.

Didn't get a car seat, but Emma got everything else. And then some!

Enjoy the pictures below, ey.

The birthday girl, looking for something to do.

The birthday cupcakes, dibuat fresh oleh Auntie Pipi pagi itu.
Not bad. Cantik juga lazat.

The Guest Book
Handmade, and hand stitched.
Tapi tak padam harga kertas!

Presents from friends. Sorry! Ada yang tertinggal! Haha.
Later update OK.

A ball filled pool yang menjadi pujaan semua anak-anak kecil.

Haha. No one thought of taking more pictures lah. Gambar potong kek pun tiada. Sebelum orang potong kek, Emma put her handprint first. Haha. Then wiped it off my white cardigan. Cheh. Tapi oh kenangannya. Haha.

Mummy and Bapak love you, Emma. With all our hearts. Happy first birthday. *sigh. wish mummy was here.

Baby Shaqeel Aidin's debut on The View From Here.
Chewah, macam talk show pulak rasanya.
Yang kecil itu bukan syaitan berbisik di telinga Shaqeel.
Itu Adam.


peachy said...

Syaitan? Siut je huhu

ashikin said...

glad you love it babe... hik hik hik...

rawsktar said...

hahaahahhhaa mcm haram lawak shaiton berbisik.

kuizikel said...

Yang kecil itu bukan syaitan berbisik di telinga Shaqeel....

hahaha... mmg haram lawak tu..

tapi klu tgk skali tak perasan, bila tgk betul2 baru perasan.. bleh masuk 360 la.. misteri