
All I Want For My Birthday Is..

Kepala aku terasa bengap. Bukan macam bangang, tapi macam ada satu selaput covering my brain. Tiada konsentrasi terhadap kerja. The fact that I am constantly hungry does not help at all. Argh.

So people have been asking me, what I (hehe) want for Emma’s birthday.

Ok first on the list is a maxi-cosi toby carseat (which I know no one will buy, sob sob).

Next would be bunches of cloth diapers! Kesian Emma tau, dia cirit birit sejak hari Isnin. Her once RFC (hoho Radix Fried Chicken. Lain kali aku cerita) thighs or drumstick if you’d like dah jadi macam drumstick ayam kampung, OK! Begitu juga her Michelin arms. Er itu masih kelihatan seperti Michelin. Tapi Alhamdulillah she’s almost better now. Oh kaitannya adalah bontot dia melecet, due to the frequent contact with her own shit, I think. Dan jia anda refer kepada beberapa post sebelum ni, cara terbaik untuk memperbaiki keadaan ini adalah dengan menggunakan Huggies Ultra. Ataupun cloth diaper. Jadi takkan aku nak mintak Huggies Ultra, kan?

So next on the list is mainan-mainan yang age appropriate dan membuka minda. Oh speaking of which, I never did tell about the time I bought a Fisher Price Stride-To-Ride Something at my beloved Tesco, huh? Retail price is around RM169.00, which I know because I have been eyeing this particular thing for ages. Tapi rasa macam membazirlah nak beli begitu mahal kan. Tapi satu hari Pipi cakap kat aku, “kesian Emma. Dia main dengan household items je (like lotion bottles, mineral water bottles, tupperwares, boxes and the likes). Jadi aku terus bertekad untuk membeli the above item (herein known as STR).

The next night we were girls (hehehe aku dan Emma. Zufri golf. Pipi dating. Yelah budak-budak baru bercinta, meman dating saja kerjanya) on a mission. I was focused. Cari-cari tak ada, ada yang model baru gambar macam harimau apa semua tu. That’s even more expensive at RM259 or something! Aku kecewa tapi pasal aku seorang yang focus dan berdedikasi (cheh) aku pun mencari sesuatu yang seakan-akan STR. Tak kisahlah apa brand pun, hatta brand Tesco sekalipun. Finally I saw STR at their babies’ clothes section. Tapi masyaAllah, kotaknya koyak rabak! Bila aku cuba on, lampu tak menyala. Aku tanya salesgirl dia kata takleh try. So I said screw it, I’m just gonna buy it. They had a nice discount because of the condition, so I took it to the cashier, preparing myself to fork out RM94.50 for this (possible) piece of crap.

The cashier looked at me like I was mad for buying a torn and tattered package. Tapi aku kan tak kisah apa orang fikir pasal aku. Or do I? Hahaha. Sekali dia scan harga yang keluar adalah RM47.90! Aku cakap kat cashier tu, eh salah ni. Kat tempat tadi dia tulis RM94.50. Oh jujurnya aku ini. But the cashier just shrugged her shoulders and said takpelah. Like she was doing me a favour like that. Cheh. Padahal mestilah dia tak update harga kat aisle tadi. But anyhow, woot! Kuikuikui. Murah OK (compared to the original price) and amazingly, it works A-OK! Emma loves it. I love it. Zufri loves it. And we love each other. Wakaka.

Jadi, itulah saja antara hadiah-hadiah yang dihajati hati. Kalau nak bagi baju pun takpe.

But as I’ve said before, even if there’s no present(s), your presence is more than enough.


Siapa yang aku tak jemput lagi? Pojan, kau jauh di perantauan lah. Tapi kalau kau rajin, hehe, marilah. Marilah. Nanoor juga. Maafkan aku ye Nanoor kerana lewat menjemput. Marilah.

P/s: Anies dah beli hadiah Emma lama gila dah. Hahaha.


rawsktar said...

sewiiitt kan aku.hahahahahhhaha.

ddfirdaus said...

Tak kisah orang kate ape intan, aku pn beli dhani's car seat (infant carrier) for half price k..coz display item, kotak dah koyak rabak..since the sales girl recommended it and psycho me to think about safety so aku beli je..hasilnya berbaloi, y should i pay for the brand new item harap cantik je tpi kualiti tak semana..so far aku puas hati ngn graco...chaiiook..

STR tu yg dhani main kat umh ko tu ke?

kuizikel said...

aha.. bangga sat masih diingati walaupun jauh.. eh bila bday party ni sebenonye..hehe

bila bleh jumpa si emma.. hari2 tgk gambo sungguh menggeramkan utk dicubit..hehhehehehe

@nannoor said...

bila ko nak buat ni intan??
asal aku blur2 ni?
tapi apapun, aku sungguh terharu sebb ko ajak jugak aku.
insyAllah aku akan ajukan pada laki aku k...

R-B-I said...

Dear camni orang kata berlagak lagi, gua tak tahu la. neway aku jeles ngan str ko...hahahaha
jangan lupa datang esok k...ko nak cd dari aku ker? tak kan? aku belikan seperti yang kita dah bincang ok?

Inty Winty said...

Meh aku cubitkan untuk kau. Huhu

1st August (this coming Saturday). Bagitau cek awai na kalau hangpa mai. Cek email map mai rumah cek.

@nannoor said...

alamak 1 ogos ek?
sorry lah beb, xleh nak dtg becoz my kazen kawen.
thanx for inviting though..
er... Happy (future) birthday, emma!!!
(aci tak?)

nigella aka ashekkk said...

'kalau nak bg baju pun takpe'. gile baris terakhir. ok la ok la. aku tukar la. kasik ladybug, beli kat ikea. emma suke kan bende tu, pasal ada cermin. hehehehehehe...