Can not believe I almost forgot to mention that my absolute best friend next to my very very super best friend got into a cat fight the other day. Miowww. Complete with hair pulling, I tell ya. Macam ni ceritanya.
They fought all the time. Their friendship was different from ours. I never fought with Anies. OK maybe there was this one time, but I wouldn't call that a fight. It's more of a disagreement. I commented on her personality like I was some psychiatrist or personality expert. She took it the wrong way and didn't speak to me for what, a day or two kot. She was my roomie at that time, so you can feel the tension in the room. Tiba-tiba je lepas tu kitorang baik balik. Didn't really have closure on that matter. Hahaha tak pedulikla.
OK back to their story. So they were tight, like constant sleepovers kind of close. Then came some boy problem. Apparently the boy hit on the best friend, who was his ex-girlfriend. Somehow, the best friend didn't seem to mind. Then one thing led to another, and suddenly Anies pulak was the 'stupid cow'. Hahaha. Sorry dong. Tak tahan.
Latest I heard, the ex-bestfriend got together with the ex-boyfriend and are planning to get married. Hahaha. Match made in heaven. Turns out, Anies gave her credit card to the ex-bestfriend. Kinda erm not-so-smart for an engineer, huh? So she maxed her credit card and will not pay up, citing collateral damage because Anies broke her heart. What a conniving bitch, huh? Dia yang cari pasal, kawan aku yang patah luluhkan hati dia. Aku yang di luar pagar ni yang sakit hati. But of course I'm only hearing one side of the story.
So Anies (and her spanking new boyfriend) went to confront the ex-bestfriend who was playing futsal. The ex-bestfriend stressed that she wasn't gonna pay up so Anies got really mad and started rasing her voice. Then the ex-bestfriend/conniving bitch pulled her hair (haha typical catfight. Expected more from the EB/CB) so Anies pushed her and she fell to the ground. Oh kasihan. Then drama la. Tak taula how long it went on before people kept them apart. Wish I was there. Tapi aku mesti lagi panik. Hehe.
The next day the ex-boyfriend called and said EB/CB will pay up and wants nothing more to do with her.
Good riddance.
hehehehehehehe. pandai lu mengarang. i like. kalau lu nk buat buku, gua yakin lagi laris dari harry potter. tp pls jgn guna nama gua yg sebenar. guna nama sebenar dia takpe. huahua.
oh..sehari je kita tak bercakap. pastu tak penah gadoh dah. smpi sweeet.
oh..latest development..betina sial tuh tanak bayar kredit kad gua. maka..terpulang kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa camne dia nk balas.
aku insan teraniaya. huahua. tapi ingat..AKU JUA KEJI. maka..
So Anies (and her spanking new boyfriend) went to confront the ex-bestfriend who was playing futsal.
pembetulan fakta: diorg dh habis futsal. diorg tgh lek lek sap kok masa gua dtg.
wei gambo tade ke? kakakkaka..bikin panas la lu intan...
hazim..ko sungguh keji. hahah.
I got confused about who's the bestfriend and who's the best best friend and who's the absolute best friend and who's the...
but it's kinda interesting
Cat fights are always interesting
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