Haha with the way things were going, I'd have thought posting 100 posts would've been a piece of cake. Guess I spoke too soon, huh? Hasn't been that long pun, just a few days short of a month. Hohoho. So a lot happened since then.
First of all, I'm pregnant. Hohoho. According to the doctor's calculations, I'm 5 1/2 months but since we're smarter than the doctor we decided that I'm just 4 months along. Hehe. Alhamdulillah I have no morning sickness apa segala, dan selera makan pulak bukan berkurangan malahan bertambah-tambah.
Secondly, we found a cute little house just 10 minutes away from my office. Hopefully we can move in next week.
Thirdly, we're thinking of changing our car to an *ehem* myvi but the stupid bank mempertikaikan kenapa aku tak bayar ptptn aku lagik. Sungguh wtf. Kalau macam ni lah perangai, baik aku tak payah tukar kereta. Aku buat loan pun akan membantu kau juga, kan. Sheesh.
Fourth, we're going on our first holiday, we'll sort of holiday this weekend. Sad, huh? Hahaha. And to Penang pulak tu! AND it's a family day! Wakakaka. What a holiday, huh?
And that's what I've been doing the past month. Hahaha what a life, man.
Oh mood nak menulis sebenarnya masih tiada. Nanti bila aku sudah mendapatkan mood itu aku akan menulis kembali ya. Chow!